#102, Kevin Harris, Sneakerhead and neighbor to murderer Joe Clark Mar 23 Written By Carlos Zamora Kevin is back to talk sneakers but more importantly he goes into detail about his encounter with murderer Joe Clark. Joe Clark was a horrible person, his nickname was Bonebeaker.Check out a doc about the Bonebeaker:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTjNA2ikt8EWe’re very excited to have The Sneaker’s Friend as a new title sponsor!Use code "CZPodcast" for 25% off your orderThe Sneaker's Friend is a premium sneaker cleaner that will help you extend the life of your sneakers.wwww.thesneakersfriend.com Follow the CZ Media Podcast on socialFacebook / http://bit.ly/CZMPodcastFBInstagram / http://bit.ly/CZMPodcastIGEmail: czmediapodcast@gmail.comOrder some merch.https://www.etsy.com/shop/CZMediaPodcast support the show Carlos Zamora
#102, Kevin Harris, Sneakerhead and neighbor to murderer Joe Clark Mar 23 Written By Carlos Zamora Kevin is back to talk sneakers but more importantly he goes into detail about his encounter with murderer Joe Clark. Joe Clark was a horrible person, his nickname was Bonebeaker.Check out a doc about the Bonebeaker:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTjNA2ikt8EWe’re very excited to have The Sneaker’s Friend as a new title sponsor!Use code "CZPodcast" for 25% off your orderThe Sneaker's Friend is a premium sneaker cleaner that will help you extend the life of your sneakers.wwww.thesneakersfriend.com Follow the CZ Media Podcast on socialFacebook / http://bit.ly/CZMPodcastFBInstagram / http://bit.ly/CZMPodcastIGEmail: czmediapodcast@gmail.comOrder some merch.https://www.etsy.com/shop/CZMediaPodcast support the show Carlos Zamora